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So far Mark Schlansky has created 99 blog entries.

Women in Queensland are dressing up as handmaids from the TV adaption of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale to highlight the important election

Women in Queensland are dressing up as handmaids from the TV adaption of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale to highlight the important election. The decision on whether or not abortion remains criminal will be determined by who wins the election on Saturday, November 25.  Read More...  

2017-12-05T15:31:41-08:00November 18th, 2017|

Op-Ed discusses how difficult it is for women to obtain abortions in Italy, even though abortion has been legal since 1978

This Op-Ed discusses how difficult it is for women to obtain abortions in Italy, even though abortion has been legal since 1978. One woman had to go to 23 different hospitals before she found one that would give her an abortion. This article highlights the issue of the Church, and how that plays a major role within Italy and women’s abortion rights. Read More...  

2017-12-05T15:28:03-08:00November 13th, 2017|

This year marked the second annual “Thanks, Birth Control” day on November 12

This year marked the second annual “Thanks, Birth Control” day on November 12. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy declared this day to promote the appreciation and gratitude to birth control access. The campaign included an animated musical, a variety of posters, and a hashtag to show the different ways birth control can be used to help women. Read More...  

2017-12-05T15:30:12-08:00November 12th, 2017|

In the end of year spending bill, anti-abortion lawmakers are making a move to protect healthcare providers with personal objections to abortion, by giving them a legal out for not providing abortions

In the end of year spending bill, anti-abortion lawmakers are making a move to protect healthcare providers with personal objections to abortion, by giving them a legal out for not providing abortions. Abortion advocates argue that this would lead to discrimination against women who want abortions. Read More...  

2017-12-05T15:32:40-08:00November 8th, 2017|
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