ICPD25 Summit News

Uplift International’s President, Dr. Beth Rivin, and Board Directors, Dr. Marleen Temmerman and Monica Kerrigan, participated in the ICPD25 Summit  in Nairobi, Kenya on November 12-14.  This significant 25th anniversary conference brought together over 9,500 people from more than 170 countries to discuss the achievements that have been made in population and development since the 1994 Cairo ICPD and support a new agenda for women and girls in the next decade.  Bold commitments were made [...]

2020-05-27T12:38:25-07:00November 21st, 2019|

Supreme Court abortion case poses major test for Trump picks

A federal judge has granted a preliminary injunction on an abortion law in Georgia which would ban abortions at six weeks of pregnancy, and the law would also define a fetus as a 'natural person'. The judge explained that this law violates the constitution. Read the BuzzFeed article!

2019-10-22T10:38:48-07:00October 1st, 2019|
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